Creating Contributed Content, Part 2: Writing an Article

In the previous installment, authors of contributed content were guided through the process of choosing a topic conducive to a high-quality, desirable end-product. With that step underfoot, the writer must now turn to the more substantive—and often more daunting—stage of the creation process: writing. And just as stellar writing becomes worthless without a good topic, an ingenious topic will be instantly wasted if the writing is sub-par.

This installment is concerned with instructing authors in the process of writing contributed content, from titling and length to style and citation. Producing articles that publishers will want to pick up is a task fraught with pitfalls which can take years of experience to discover first-hand. The six-rule framework given below can not only spare a new author much of those trials and magnify the odds of a contributed article being placed in the media, but can drastically improve the quality and reputability of a company’s public voice.

Six Rules for Writing an Article

1. Win the Reader with the Headline

60% of readers are won or lost before the very first sentence; that is the power of the headline. Headlines are a way of promising an article’s value to the reader. The more convincing the promise, and the more efficient its delivery, the more likely it is that the reader will proceed to the article. Unsurprisingly, the best headlines generally share the following characteristics: they are simple, straightforward descriptions of what the reader will get from the piece, described in a concise—seven to nine words apiece, ideally—yet thoroughly informative manner. Particulars will vary from case to case, but the goal will always be to convey the value of the article as efficiently as possible.

2. Keep it Succinct

Once the reader proceeds past the headline, every word counts. Competition for their attention never lets off, and even a momentary loss of interest could mean losing the reader. It is therefore imperative that every paragraph, sentence, and word deliver some real value to the reader. A good rule-of-thumb is keeping contributed articles between 750 and 950 words. Some publishers prefer more words, some fewer, but no good publisher will ever look kindly on superfluous verbiage.

3. Keep it Organized

Presenting value is not, however, sufficient; it must also be done in an efficient, accessible manner. For that reason, articles must be structured in a way that is easy for readers to follow and digest. An introduction-body-conclusion structure is a tested and recognizable framework which serves precisely that purpose. Listicles and bullet-points are particularly effective, because they allow for fast, linear reading. Variation from these is allowed, naturally, but orientation, substance, and resolution cannot be substituted. Generally speaking, easy writing makes for easy reading, so writers are encouraged to create an outline ahead of time to streamline the writing process.

4. Exclude Bias

Readers are remarkably sensitive to bias, and nothing is so quick to diminish credibility as excessive promotion, of self or otherwise. As discussed in the first installment, self-promotion—however justified it may be—communicates to the reader that the author has a vested interest in the content being communicated, and they become skeptical as a result. Inorganic support for a third party will likewise sow distrust among the audience. Writers must remain vendor-neutral and never resort to soliciting patronage; high quality content speaks for itself, and will naturally lead the reader to the conclusions that the author wants them to draw.

5. Use Empirical Evidence

Legitimate data is, by far, the most persuasive tool for progressing an argument. By providing empirical evidence, the author is indicating a tangible, verifiable truth to which the rest of the article is tethered by association—increasing overall credibility. When citing external sources, always use in-text hyperlinks rather than a bibliography. On the other hand, relying on anecdotal evidence and personal opinions must be done very sparingly, if at all. Statements that are unfounded or self-presumptuous diminish the article’s authority, and even one misplaced assertion can taint an otherwise trustworthy article.

6. Write Uniquely, Not Informally

As a means of standing out, many authors are tempted to shed the constraints of formal writing in favor of a more eccentric style. Fortunately, however, uniqueness and formality are not mutually exclusive. Maintaining correct grammar at all times is a prerequisite for credibility; failing to do so will instantly undermine the entire effort. Writing in the third person and the active voice are also rules that ought very seldom be broken. It is only when an author is familiar with these boundaries that they can begin to develop a unique voice which the reader can appreciate.

Bottom Line

Every contributed article will have its own subject, angle, purpose and circumstance, and no two will ever be quite the same. Nonetheless, there are certain principles which predictably influence their successes and shortcomings, and which uninitiated authors ignore at their peril. Heeding the rules here discussed will provide confines within which writers can create freely, with the confidence that their ideas—and their company—are faithfully and presentably showcased. 

While we may employ generative artificial intelligence for research purposes, the entirety of this blog and of any content published by Razor Sharp Public Relations is written directly by our team.


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